Sudbury’s planning committee approves zoning changes for Kingsway casino

After four hours of public hearings and much controversy over the past few months, Sudbury’s planning committee on Monday approved a zoning application authorizing the construction of casinos in Kingsway. It will be part of the long-anticipated Kingsway Entertainment District, which has yet to gain zoning permission for stadiums and parking lots.

The project drew strong criticism from casino opponents at a public hearing in the parliamentary chamber of Tom Davis Square on Monday afternoon. Sudbury residents were invited to the meeting to ask questions and speak on the subject, which drew much opposition from religious and anti-gaming groups. But despite voices from opponents of the project, Greater Sudbury’s planning committee voted unanimously for a zoning application filed by developer Dario Zulich, who owns a 20-hectare vacant site for the construction of a gambling and entertainment complex called Kingsway Entertainment District.

Local businessman Tom Portin, who attended the hearing, said he and 500 other businessmen in the area oppose casinos. They believe it will hurt Sudbury’s economy by diverting the profits from other businesses in the city that contribute to the quality of life in the community. Fortin noted that the official plan, a planning document outlining all projects in the city, does not include an analysis of the casino’s financial impact. 온라인카지노

Other opponents of the casino commented on the moral aspects of gambling at the meeting. According to some, there will be financial benefits for the state and the casino developer Gateway, but the community will only lose money from the development of another casino. Environmental and public health concerns were also expressed by some members of the public, who pointed out that the preparation of parcels would require salt treatment. According to them, this could be dangerous for Lake Ramsey, the city’s main source of drinking water.

About 50 religious group representatives also opposed the new Sudbury casino plan, arguing that gambling facilities would have a detrimental impact on the community. In a joint letter, they opposed casinos and warned they would increase the rate of gambling addiction, poverty and crime in the region.

Casino approval likely to be appealed by court
The city planning committee’s decision on Monday does not fully authorize the development of gambling houses. Rather, it determines what the land will be used for. Planned casinos require multiple permissions from the state and state authorities to be built. The committee’s decision must also be ratified by city councilors at a meeting scheduled for April 10. The vote may be rejected, but if approved, most will be challenged in court.

Fortin warned that the decision to change the area for the casino would be appealed to the court by local businesses. In addition, if approved, projects for stadiums and parking lots will also be challenged as they are both part of the Kingsway Entertainment District plan. The city’s planning committee will consider changing the land area for stadiums and parking lots at its second public hearing on Wednesday. Meanwhile, Gateway spokesman Rob Mitchell said the company was ready to go to court.

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