Nottingham aimed for Tottenham’s goal at the start of the second half.

In the fourth minute of the second half, Elanga grabbed the ball and calmly passed the conversion pass to Boli, who was alone on the right side of the penalty box. Since Tottenham’s defense was not in front of Boli, Boli immediately tried to shoot, but failed to head into the goal and floated high above the net. 메이저 토토사이트

Nottingham got a free-kick opportunity through active movements near Tottenham’s goal. In the 10th minute of the second half, Gibbs-White drew a foul from the opponent’s defense during the breakthrough on the left side of the penalty box, and a free-kick was declared. Gibbs-White’s free-kick flew sharply in front of Tottenham’s door, and Vicario jumped out and hit the ball far before reaching the Nottingham players.

Nottingham seemed to be losing ground in the first half, but since the start of the second half, they have steadily increased their possession of the ball by pressuring Tottenham. Nottingham seemed to eventually equalize the atmosphere that had been pushed forward in the second half. In the 13th minute of the second half, a ball through Topolo and Mangala connected to Williams, and when Williams’ sharp cross fell in front of Tottenham’s door, Elanga pushed it correctly. However, VAR reviews confirmed that Elanga was a little ahead of the previous situation and the score was not recognized.

Tottenham, which has been on the verge of losing a point, also launched an offensive to score additional points. Klusevskiy had a shot opportunity in the center of the penalty box through a direct breakthrough in the 18th minute of the second half, but Boli’s tackle blocked the ball before the shot went towards the goal. The blocked ball went towards Son Heung-min, and the opportunity continued. Son attempted a right-footed shot after a short dribble, but this attempt was also blocked by the defense. Son also caught the ball and shot in the center of the penalty box in the 19th minute of the second half, but he was caught in a save and swallowed the disappointment.

Tottenham, which did not miss Turner’s mistake, widened the gap. In the 20th minute of the second half, Turner’s kick mistake went to Klusevski, who shot past a defender through a direct breakthrough. Klusevski’s right footed shot went straight to Turner’s face, hit Turner’s hand, and shook the net. Son Heung-min also induced Turner’s mistake with strong forward pressure before the score.

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