Ryan Reese Wins $8.36M In WSOP Main Event

Ryan Reese and Jay Faber fought a tight race and finally beat Faber to win the $8,361,570 prize. In second place, Faber won $5174,357. This is the first time since 1957 that Reece, wearing a Detroit Lions uniform, won a Calvin Johnson uniform. “I’m from Detroit, and I’m a big fan of the Lions,” said the 23-year-old champion, explaining why he wore the uniform.

“I was overwhelmed with joy,” said Reece, describing the moment of victory. “I was so happy and I started crying. I was speechless. (My parents) said how proud I was and that they loved me, it was wonderful.”

“It’s just amazing,” Reese added. “I was so excited to wait 100 days or anything to play it, and I was really speechless. I’m so happy that all my friends and family could watch over me and support me. It’s just an amazing feeling.”

Reece, who was about 20 million chips behind Faber at the start of the day, caught the first few hands of him slightly behind him that night. But he couldn’t overtake him. That all changed when Reece stared at the board that said Ac-8h-4d-7d-As on his 20th hand that night. There were already 36.7 million in the pot, and Reece made a 15-million-chip bet. Faber thought about it and then folded. The Fold gave Reece his first chip lead of the day, and from there, he slowly began to take over the game.

Reece was in control of the game the rest of the day, but the most memorable hand of the night went to Faber. In a board reading of 3s-3h-7c-2c-9s, Farber bet $24 million to make a pot of $62.7 million. After Reece agonized over his decision for a few minutes, it turned out that Qx-7x was the better hand. Farber bragged to Reece about 6x-5x, but Reece didn’t know that until his hand appeared on TV 15 minutes later and Rail informed him.

But even Faber’s great bravado was not enough to stop Reece. Reece continued to unscrew the cauldron and push hard as Faber’s chip stack dwindled. 파워볼게임

Reece seemed to make the result inevitable when he put down a 58-million-chip pot on a board that read 4s-8d-3c-2h-7s. Reece showed a pair of jacks and held hands, and when Faber played Merck, everyone at the Penn and Teller Theater knew Reece was on his way to the main event championship, and he had 134.75 million chips. Faber, who started the day with 105 million, had only 56.3 million left.

Reece, a graduate of Michigan State University, heard the chants “Go Green, Go White” all night as he tried to close out the game against Faber.

Farber avoided elimination when he went all-in for $16.3 million on a board that said Kc-5h-Qs. Leith immediately called and showed the Ks-10h for the top pair. Farber had a Jc-10 and hit nine off the turn to pick up the straight. When the dust cleared, Farber doubled to a maximum of $28.1 million, while Leith dropped to $162.57 million.

Farber started to dominate the game based on the momentum of the double-up. Reece thought Farber was bluffing on the KC-3s-2c-9d-3c board. So he bet 13 million chips on the Queen Highway (there were 23 million already in the pot), and Farber started to get his act together. Farber eventually built a stack of chips to 65.4 million, and Reece fans started to wonder if Reece was tackled at the 1-yard line, just like Calvin Johnson.

“I was noticing a lot about his body language and face language, and when everyone was screaming, he did exactly the same thing he did when he was 6-high,” Reece said of the call with Queen High. “At first I just wanted to fold. I just didn’t trust him with my whole hand. I knew he didn’t have a king. He just made a too big bet on the river that threw me away. In my opinion, it was blush or full air. It was probably a really bad call and I’ll probably be blamed for it, but I made it based on the body language that I got off of him.”

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