SSG’s defeat…”Legendary beast.” Whether or not he retires, his appearance has gotten weird

Kim Kang-min was selected in the fourth round by the Hanwha Eagles in the second KBO draft, which was held behind closed doors on the 22nd. SSG was apparently embarrassed by Hanwha’s choice. SSG was considering providing a training program for leaders while discussing retirement with Kim Kang-min after this season. He thought he was likely to retire, so he would not have included it in the 35-member protection list. In any case, Kim Kang-min became the second draft pick, and Hanwha legitimately hired Kim Kang-min.

Assuming that the possibility of transfer to the second draft is not 0%, SSG should have concluded retirement discussions with Kim Kang-min sooner. If that was the case, there would have been no response of “bewildered” that day. 안전놀이터

An SSG official said shortly after the second draft, “Kim Kang-min was talking about retirement with the club. However, we are also embarrassed because we are going to Hanwha in the second draft. “We were discussing retirement, and we could not tie Kim Kang-min as a protective player because the club is pushing for a generational change,” he said.

Hanwha General Manager Son Hyuk’s thoughts were different from those of SSG. Sohn judged that Kim Kang-min was still valuable as a player and used an additional nomination right given only to the 8th to 10th-ranked teams this season. Ten clubs will be equally nominated until the third round, and the bottom three teams can select up to two additional members, so they will exercise their right to nominate until the fifth round. Hanwha selected Kim Kang-min with the determination to give 100 million won in transfer money to SSG under the fourth round.

General manager Son said, “Kim Kang-min was nominated just because he thought about our team. I thought he was a player who could see both the performance and the future. There is a feeling that it is regrettable to retire immediately due to grades. “I think it’s possible to pay for a large amount of money, a pinch-runner, or a pinch-hitter,” he stressed.

Determining when to take off the uniform is the most difficult and difficult thing for a player. The same is true for Kim Kang-min, who is under fire, to put down his uniform easily. In this situation, if General Manager Son sends such a love call, he cannot help but be shaken.

General manager Son said, “Kim Kang-min thought I was a good player and person when I was a pitching coach at SK. I think it’s better to do it for a long time if the player becomes capable. He is a necessary player for our team. I will try to persuade Kim Kang-min well,” he said actively.

In any case, it is SSG that caused this complicated situation. It is clear that Kim Kang-min’s appearance has become strange whether he decides to retire or not. If SSG fails to settle the situation until Kim Kang-min is tied as a Hanwha player at the end of this month, Kim Kang-min will take off his uniform as a Hanwha player even if he retires.

Kim Kang-min graduated from Gyeongbuk High School and joined the SK Wyverns (currently SSG) in 2001 as the 18th pick in the second round of the rookie draft, and played only for Incheon for 22 years until this year. He was a leading player in the SK Dynasty in the past, and he played his whole life with the modifier “Forest” with outstanding defense. He has a career record of 0.274 (1,470 hits in 5364 times at bat), 138 homers, 209 steals, 674 RBIs and 805 runs scored in 1919 games. SSG’s legend has left enough footprints in the history of the KBO League. It is also the responsibility of the club to prepare for a beautiful breakup with the franchise star. The very creation of this complex situation with Hanwha is the defeat of SSG.

In the end, there were also disappointing voices from within the team. SSG veteran ace Kim Kwang-hyun posted a picture of him hugging Kim Kang-min on his SNS, saying, “SNS is a waste of life, but I should do it today. I respect someone’s choice, but I don’t think 23 years should be ignored. Bye, bro. Oh, it’s really cold today,” he wrote. It was a bitter remark against the club that did not properly prepare for the end of the oldest player.

SSG lost four players in the second draft, including Kim Kang-min. Even big guns Choi Joo-hwan, who was recruited as a FA for 4.2 billion won for four years, were not tied up. Choi Joo-hwan was selected by the Kiwoom Heroes as the No. 1 overall pick in the second draft. Infielder Choi Hang was nominated in the third round by the Lotte Giants, and pitcher Cho Sung-hoon was nominated in the fourth round by Kiwoom. It was the result of not tying up a large number of veterans due to generational change and lack of salary cap space.

Now it is important what choice Kim Kang-min will make. SSG and Hanwha are also saying they will talk to Kim Kang-min. I wonder whether he will hold the hand of SSG, who suggests the end, or Hanwha, who suggests a new start.

461 thoughts on “SSG’s defeat…”Legendary beast.” Whether or not he retires, his appearance has gotten weird

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