“SSG Seo Dong-min’s wife.” Kim Yeon-kyoon said, “My husband’s decision to retire was touching.”

The two players, who are from Daegu, had a wedding ceremony in July last year after a long period of dating.

The two continued a beautiful marriage as a couple, partners, and comrades in the same field.

Although the events are different, the two cheered for each other and became strong supporters.

When Seo Dong-min recently decided to retire, Kim Yeon-kyoon respected her husband’s decision and cheered for her new life. 안전놀이터

When asked about Seo Dong-min’s retirement after the 2023-2024 professional volleyball match against GS Caltex at Suwon Gymnasium on Wednesday, Kim said, “It felt weird for me, too. I felt very touched,” adding, “I’ve decided to retire after playing baseball until now, but I think it’s great that I decided to retire.”

He then calmly said, “I told my husband that he had a hard time. The competition is very fierce, but he said it was great to have endured so far.”

“People are the coolest when they focus on their main job, and it’s a shame that they won’t see their husband playing in the future,” Kim Yeon-kyoon said, adding, “I’ll cheer more because I have to start something else now.”

Seo Dong-min made his professional baseball debut in the second sixth round of the 2014 professional baseball rookie draft after being nominated by the SK Wyverns, the predecessor of SSG.

Seo Dong-min, who has been an unknown player for a long time, played in 20 games last season with a 1 win, 1 loss, 5 hold average of 2.57 ERA, helping SSG win the integrated championship.

However, he only played in two games in the first division this season, and in the second division, he left a record of 2 wins, 1 loss, 2 saves, and 5 holds with a 3.59 ERA.

It’s not a bad performance, but Seo Dong-min decided to retire and SSG disclosed this on the 24th.

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