Unionized workers strike at three casinos in Detroit

About 3,700 union workers at the Motor City Casino, MGM Grand Detroit, and Hollywood Casino in Grigtown went on strike at noon that day, and other union contracts with those casinos were estimated to end on Oct. 16, but the original deadline was pushed back to noon on Oct. 17.

The main reason for the strike was differences over pay and healthcare costs, especially as business recovers from the pandemic. In a related development, local 4 unionists said on Oct. 16, “We don’t want to go on strike in what they’re calling a tough time, but we feel we need to listen.” Union officials said in a press release, “Workers are seeking to improve contracts after years of pandemic hardship, including inflation, health care, retirement security, technical language, and fair workload for domestic helpers, but casino management has been reluctant to provide workers with fair contracts.” 온라인카지노

In addition, Matt Buckley, chairman and COO of MGM Midwest Group, said in a letter released yesterday, “MGM Grand Detroit has proposed six proposals to the union, including the largest wage increase in casino history. The company recognizes the union’s right to strike, but will ensure that casinos operate normally during the strike. We plan to continue operating our business while there is a possibility of a strike and will continue to operate this week and beyond. We will continue to provide work to our employees, and as long as the employees represented by the union decide to join the strike, we will take all legal steps necessary to fill the shift and continue to provide entertainment and services to our customers.”

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